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Επιχειρηματίες από κούνια!

Αν νομίζετε ότι η επιχειρηματικότητα είναι προνόμιο μόνο των ενηλίκων κάνετε μεγάλο λάθος! Δέκα περιπτώσεις παιδιών έρχονται να ανατρέψουν τα όσα ξέραμε έως τώρα αποδεικνύοντας ότι η ηλικία δεν παίζει ρόλο στη λειτουργία μιας επιτυχημένης επιχείρησης. Εξάλλου, ο μεγιστάνας Warren Buffett σε ηλικία έξι ετών πουλούσε τσίχλες από πόρτα σε πόρτα, ενώ ο επιχειρηματίας Richard Branson ίδρυσε ένα περιοδικό όταν ήταν 16 ετών.

Ακολουθούν, τα ονόματα των δέκα κοριτσιών και αγοριών που βρίσκονται στο «τιμόνι» επιτυχημένων επιχειρήσεων:

1.  Mikaila Ulmer, 11 ετών. Ιδρύτρια της «Me & the Bees Lemonade» (Twitter: @MikailasBees)

Το προϊόν που λανσάρει η Mikaila είναι το «Me & the Bees Lemonade», μία λεμονάδα από λιναρόσπορο και άρωμα μέντας, η οποία αντί για ζάχαρη περιέχει μέλι. Για την 11χρονη όλα ξεκίνησαν όταν σε ηλικία μόλις 4 ετών οι γονείς και οι δάσκαλοί της την παρότρυναν να πάρει μέρος σε δύο διαγωνισμούς για επιχειρηματίες. Την ίδια χρονική στιγμή, την τσίμπησαν δύο μέλισσες μέσα σε διάστημα μιας εβδομάδας. Αν δεν ήταν αυτό σημάδι, τότε τι… Η μικρή ξεκίνησε να πουλάει τη λεμονάδα το 2009 σε μια πιτσαρία της περιοχής και γρήγορα επεκτάθηκε και σε άλλα καταστήματα.

Slide 2 of 11: Mikaila UlmerAge: 11Founder: Me & the Bees LemonadeTwitter: @MikailasBeesFor Mikaila Ulmer, it all started with a bee sting. Make that two. Encouraged by her parents and teachers, the Austin, Texas, native signed up for two entrepreneurship contests when she was just four and a half years old. “At that same time, I got stung by two bees in one week,” she tells Entrepreneur. “What are the chances?!”To help ease Mikaila’s resulting fear of bees, her great-granny Helen sent her a 1940s cookbook that contained her favorite recipe for flaxseed lemonade. “Then I did some research on bees and found out how important they are to our ecosystem and that they’re dying, so I created a product that would help save them.” Related: Every Scalable Business Has These 10 Things In Common: Lessons From the Circular SummitThat product is Me & the Bees Lemonade, a flaxseed- and mint-infused beverage that is sweetened mainly with honey from local honeybees. For each bottle sold, Mikaila, who prefers the title “queen bee” over CEO, donates a percentage of the profits to organizations working to ease the plight of the bees, including her home state’s beekeepers association.Mikaila originally sold her lemonade at a local pizzeria when she first started in 2009. She later showcased her naturally sweet wares at local Whole Foods store, where she held workshops on saving bees. Eventually, she was asked to sell her lemonade at the high-end grocery store. Now, thanks in part to Mikaila’s charming but “nerve-citing” appearance on Shark Tank, she says, Whole Foods carries Me & the Bees Lemonade throughout its southeast region.Mikaila’s favorite part of being a kidpreneur:“Being able to meet awesome people is the most fun part. I love being able to go to different events and presentations to share my story, and to teach people about bees and how we can help them.”Mikaila’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs: “Be a social entrepreneur. Do something to help solve problems in the world. Don’t go into business to make a lot of money. Create a business that you see the that world is missing, solve a problem with it and do something you have a passion for. Because the more passionate you are about what you do, the more fun you have while doing it!”

2. Erik Finman, 17 ετών. Ιδρυτής της «Botangle», (Twitter: @erikfinman)

Ως παιδί ο Erik άλλαζε συνεχώς σχολεία και συχνά ήταν θύμα συναισθηματικού και σωματικού bullying. Μέχρι που μία δασκάλα του πρότεινε να παρατήσει το σχολείο και να αρχίσει να εργάζεται. Όμως, για να μη μείνει πίσω στα μαθήματά του δημιούργησε ένα σύστημα εκπαίδευσης -για όσους θέλουν να διαβάζουν στο σπίτι- χρησιμοποιώντας τον υπολογιστή του και το ίντερνετ και το ονόμασε «Botangle». Σκοπός του είναι να αντικαταστήσει το σύστημα εκπαίδευσης του σχολείου μετά την άσχημη εμπειρία που είχε ο ίδιος ως μαθητής. Σε ηλικία 15 ετών ο Erik λάνσαρε την ιδέα του ως ένα εκπαιδευτικό online σύστημα με το αντίστοιχο αντίτιμο βέβαια. Στη συνέχεια κατάφερε να ενισχύσει την επιχείρησή του με κεφάλαιο 100.000 δολαρίων μέσω μιας κερδοφόρας επένδυσης σε Bitcoin.

Slide 3 of 11: Erik FinmanAge: 17Founder: BotangleTwitter: @erikfinmanAs a child, Erik Finman bounced from school to school and was often bullied, both emotionally and physically. A particularly mean teacher reportedly joined in, advising the Idaho native to “drop out and work at McDonald’s because [he’d] never amount to anything.”Erik eventually did drop out of school, but not his education. He built his own learning environment from home, using a computer and an Internet connection, and called it Botangle (a combination of “robotics” and “angle”). “I created this side project to kind of save myself,” he said before a crowd at a WIRED event for young innovators last year. “Its mission is to replace the public education system because of my really terrible experiences in it.”Related: How a Teenage Entrepreneur Built a Startup on Bitcoin RichesWhen the robotics prodigy was 15, he took his “side project” to the next level, launching it at as fee-based online video tutoring service. He bootstrapped the startup on his own, using $100,000 he’d cashed-out from a very lucky early Bitcoin investment. Today, he oversees a team of programmers, not only for Botangle, but for several other promising projects.Keep your eyes open for Erik’s next exciting venture, a virtual reality-based personal computer. “It’s a way for people to learn through the web, your phone, in virtual reality and in person,” he tells Entrepreneur.Erik’s favorite part of being a kidpreneur: “The most fun thing is to not have to go to school. I get the freedom to travel, hang out with the most important people in every industry and work on what I love.”Erik’s advice for aspiring kidpreneurs: “Be selfish. I think [the word] 'selfish' is just a tainted word for self-leadership. Lead yourself through life, do what you love, build what you want to build, go where you want to go.”

3. Bella Weems, 19 ετών. Ιδρύτρια της «Origami Owl», (Twitter: @OrigamiOwl)

Η Bella Weems σε ηλικία 14 ετών αποφάσισε να κάνει επάγγελμα το πάθος της για τη χειροτεχνία. Έτσι, ξεκίνησε τη δική της start up επιχείρηση προκειμένου να μαζέψει χρήματα για να αποκτήσει ένα αυτοκίνητο που τόσο ήθελε και το οποίο οι γονείς της αρνήθηκαν να της αγοράσουν. Μέσα σε δύο χρόνια η επιχείρηση κοσμημάτων της νεαρής κοπέλας μετατράπηκε σε μία «μηχανή» παραγωγής πολλών εκατομμυρίων δολαρίων. Η ίδια συμβουλεύει τους συνομήλικούς της να μην φοβούνται να κυνηγήσουν τα όνειρά τους.

Slide 4 of 11: Bella WeemsAge: 19Founder: Origami OwlTwitter: @OrigamiOwlWhen Bella Weems was 14, she turned her passion for handcrafting locket necklaces and bracelets into a moneymaker. She started the business as a way to save up for a car after her parents said they wouldn’t buy her one and told her to “earn it.” She sure did, and then some. By the time she turned 16, the driven teen’s Chandler, Ariz.-based custom jewelry startup had exploded into a multi-million-dollar direct-sales machine.Origami Owl’s flagship product, the “Living Locket,” allows customers to build their own jewelry by mixing and matching the chains, charms and lockets themselves, some of which come adorned with Swarovski crystals. The lockets are transparent and showcase tiny metal charms that represent the wearer’s personality and hobbies. The company also sells earrings, bracelets and other accessories.Related: How This Teenager Turned Her Childhood Hobby Into a Global BusinessAlongside her mom, company president Chrissy Weems, the teen millionaire leads a team of hundreds of employees and thousands of independent jewelry designers the world over.She’s incredibly busy these days, but not too busy to give back. Through her inspiring Owlettes initiative, Bella personally mentors aspiring entrepreneurs ages 12 through 17. She shares with them the practical business and leadership skills she picked up on her fast track to success.Bella’s favorite part of being a kidpreneur: “The best part about being a kidpreneur is being able to encourage kids of all ages to not be afraid to reach for their dreams and never let anyone tell them they’re not good enough or their idea isn’t good enough.” Bella’s advice for aspiring kidpreneurs: “Take a leap of faith, surround yourself with people who believe in you, follow your heart and always remember you are never too young to achieve a big dream. Also, a positive attitude is a must. Remember things don’t always go as planned, and that’s okay, but, no matter what, keep on smiling and enjoy the journey.”

4. Ollie Forsyth, 18 ετών. Ιδρυτής της «Ollie’s Shop» και του περιοδικού «The Budding Entrepreneur», (Twitter: @ollieforsyth)

Πηγή έμπνευσης για τον Ollie Forsyth ήταν ο Richard Branson. Ο Ollie με καταγωγή από το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο λίγο μετά αφότου έμαθε ότι είναι δυσλεκτικός και ενώ παρακολουθούσε ένα βίντεο στο youtube με τον Richard Branson αποφάσισε να μετατρέψει την αδυναμία του σε ισχυρό «όπλο». Έτσι ξεκίνησε το Ollie’s Shop. Πρόκειται για μία online μπουτίκ με μοδάτα αξεσουάρ πολλά από τα οποία είναι χειροποίητα. Απώτερος στόχος του είναι να γίνει εκατομμυριούχος πριν κλείσει τα 20.

Slide 5 of 11: Ollie ForsythAge: 18Founder: Ollie’s Shop and The Budding Entrepreneur MagazineTwitter: @ollieforsythRichard Branson inspired Ollie Forsyth to take the entrepreneurial leap at the age of 13. That’s three years younger than the billionaire Virgin Group founder was when he braved his first venture.Much like Branson, Ollie struggled in school. He was often bullied and cast off as lazy. The Northamptonshire, U.K. native later learned that he is dyslexic, also like Branson.One day, while watching YouTube, he had a breakthrough. There was Branson in an inspirational clip, discussing how he turned his dyslexia, something often misinterpreted as a weakness, into his biggest strength.Related: How a Bullied, Dyslexic 16-Year-Old Entrepreneur Fought Back and Found His Way“Right then I was determined to become like him,” Ollie tells Entrepreneur. His first step: embracing his learning difference. His second: proving the people who said he’d never amount to anything wrong with the launch of Ollie’s Shop. The online gift boutique sells trendy fashion accessories, including bracelets, cufflinks and belts. Ollie handcrafts some of his wares himself at home. Others are sourced from China.Ollie is motivated to become a millionaire before age 20, and ecommerce isn’t the only enterprise he has his hands in. He also has his own subscription-based online magazine, fittingly called The Budding Entrepreneur, and he’s spearheading a networking group for fellow British entrepreneurs.Succeeding in spite of the naysayers feels incredibly good, Ollie says. But nothing quite compares to the thrill he felt when he finally met his hero, Sir Richard Branson.“I met him at a Virgin Unite conference last year,” he says. “I was not going to leave the building until I met him. He’s the nicest person I’ve ever met.” He even has the pic to prove that he did. Ollie’s favorite part of being a kidpreneur: “You get to meet some fascinating people, but, most importantly, you get some incredible opportunities from those connections made.”Ollie’s advice for aspiring kidpreneurs: “You have to do what you love and, if you have a business idea in mind, just try it and see what happens. I see too many people with great ideas, but they do not pursue them as they are afraid to. Just get on and do it!”

5. Alina Morse, 10 ετών. Ιδρύτρια της Zollipops (Twitter: @Zollipops)

Η Alina σε ηλικία 7 ετών άρχισε να φτιάχνει μοναδικά χειροποίητα γλειφιτζούρια, τα οποία η αδελφή της Lola, ονόμασε Zollipops. Το περίεργο με αυτά τα γλειφιτζούρια είναι ότι δεν περιέχουν ζάχαρη αλλά ένα γλυκαντικό μίγμα από ξυλιτόλη, σιρόπι μαλτιτόλης, χυμό παντζαριού και stevia. Η μικρή ξεκίνησε την επιχείρησή της το 2014 χρησιμοποιώντας ως αρχικό κεφάλαιο 7.500 δολάρια, τα οποία είχε αποταμιεύσει από το χαρτζιλίκι που της έδιναν οι παππούδες της. Επίσης, το καλό με αυτά τα γλειφιτζούρια είναι ότι δεν βλάπτουν τα δόντια.

Slide 6 of 11: Alina MorseAge: 10Founder: ZollipopsTwitter: @ZollipopsAlina Morse is one lucky girl. She has visited the White House not once but twice, and never as a tourist. Each time, she was an official guest, personally invited by none other than First Lady Michelle ObamaThe enterprising Wolverine Lake, Mich., native presented the one and only candy at this year’s White House Easter Egg Roll -- a special treat she invented when she was just seven, with help from her dad, Tom (the co-creator of 5-Hour Energy).Related: 4 Tips for Successfully Launching a New Product From the Co-Founder of 5-Hour EnergyHer sweets are fruit-flavored lollipops that her little sister, Lola, named Zollipops. There’s something unusual about them: They’re sweetened with a blend of xylitol, maltitol syrup, beetroot juice and stevia -- not with sugar.“I love candy,” Alina tells Entrepreneur, “but I always knew it was bad for my teeth so that's why I created Zollipops. So I asked, ‘Why can’t we make a lollipop that’s delicious and good for your teeth?’” She did just that in 2014, when she started up her company using $7,500 of savings from her grandparents. Soon, she took to the road to promote her candy creation, available in-store at Whole Foods and SuperValu and online on Amazon. She’s even pitched Shark Tank celeb investor Daymond John on Good Morning America and appeared on NBC News.Related: 9-Year-Old Entrepreneur Launches Teeth-Friendly Lollipop CompanyOn a roll ever since, the fifth-grader introduced her second product, Zolli Drops sugar-free peppermints, earlier this year. On top of providing a teeth-friendly alternative to sugary suckers, Alina donates more than 10 percent of her profits to organizations dedicated to reducing the impact of childhood tooth decay. Now that’s something sweet to smile about.Alina’s favorite part of being a kidpreneur: “The most fun thing about being a kidpreneur and working on Zollipops is that I get to travel, meet lots of people and see lots of places. All around the world, we share Zollipops with many people and brighten their smiles!”Alina’s advice for aspiring kidpreneurs: “Always keep asking questions. You can do anything if you work hard, try and believe in yourself and never give up!”

6. Isabella Rose Taylor, 15 ετών. Ιδρύτρια της «Isabella Rose Taylor» (Twitter: @isabellartaylor)

Σε ηλικία 12 ετών η Isabella Rose Taylor είχε καταφέρει να εισχωρήσει στην εταιρεία Nordstrom, πουλώντας την προσωπική της συλλογή ρούχων. Η 15χρονη έχει δώσει την δική της σφραγίδα στα ρούχα που σχεδιάζει, τα οποία μάλιστα παρουσιάστηκαν και στην εβδομάδα μόδας της Νέας Υόρκης. Η Isabella Rose Taylor επισημαίνει ότι η έναρξη μιας επιχείρησης σημαίνει σκληρή δουλειά γι’ αυτό και συμβουλεύει τους συνομήλικούς της να προχωρήσουν μόνο εάν αγαπούν πραγματικά αυτό με το οποίο θέλουν να ασχοληθούν.

Slide 7 of 11: Isabella Rose TaylorAge: 15Founder: Isabella Rose TaylorTwitter: @isabellartaylorBy the age of 12, Isabella Rose Taylor had already sewn up an impressive accomplishment. It was one that even some of the most seasoned fashion designers would covet -- selling her own collection at Nordstrom.The Austin, Texas, native’s pieces range from crop tops to graphic tees, mostly in black, white and grey. Those that feature patterns are inspired by her love of art. Many depict sketches of hands or splashes of paint, all in an abstract style. Soon after Isabella Rose became the youngest designer ever to market a clothing line at the Seattle-based upscale retailer, the artistic young fashionista checked off another incredible accomplishment: showing off her hippie-chic designs at New York Fashion Week.Related: This 13-Year-Old Entrepreneur Just Debuted Her Clothing Line at New York Fashion WeekHomeschooled and encouraged by her parents, Isabella Rose was bitten by the fashion bug when she was only eight. “From a young age, my parents always encouraged me to follow my dreams,” Isabella Rose tells Entrepreneur. “They told me I didn’t have to wait until I was older to be my own boss and do what I love.”It wasn’t long before she stitched her entrepreneurial dreams into reality. As an early college student, accomplished painter and poet, Mensa member and Davidson Young Scholar, we’re not at all surprised by the prodigy’s speedy ascent.Isabella Rose’s favorite part of being a kidpreneur: “Like most entrepreneurs, I get to build a company around something I am passionate about, and then I get to watch it grow. I have also enjoyed meeting people from all walks of life. As an entrepreneur, networking is very important, and I’ve met people who’ve inspired me and I think I may have inspired others."Isabella Rose’s advice for aspiring kidpreneurs: "Starting a business is a lot of hard work. Don’t start a business unless you love what you do. Do a lot of research and planning to make sure there is a market for your product."

7. Jeremiah Jones, 15 ετών. Ιδρυτής της «JYoungin Education» (Twitter: @Jyoungin4kids)

Σε ηλικία 8 ετών ο Jeremiah Jones είχε το όνειρο να ξεκινήσει τη δική του επιχείρηση ρούχων. Το οποίο και τελικά έκανε πράξη. Το 2009 λάνσαρε την προσωπική του συλλογή ρούχων. Ο ίδιος εκμυστηρεύτηκε πώς στην αρχή ο πατέρας του δεν ήθελε να τον βοηθήσει γιατί δεν πίστευε ότι θα τα καταφέρει. Γι΄αυτό και συμβουλεύει τα παιδιά που θέλουν να ακολουθήσουν την επιχειρηματική οδό «ποτέ μην αφήνετε κανέναν να σας αποθαρρύνει και μην το βάζετε κάτω».

Slide 8 of 11: Jeremiah Jones Age: 15 Founder: JYoungin EducationTwitter: @Jyoungin4kidsWhen he was 8 years old, Jeremiah “JYoungin” Jones had a vision to start his own fashion brand, JYoungin Education. “I saw my dad printing up promotional T-shirts and giving them away to get his own business going and I thought, ‘Why not me?’” he tells Entrepreneur. “Why not let me inspire my own peers and kids of all ages to be great?”The teen motivational speaker, currently the youth commissioner of his home city of Long Beach, Calif., launched his clothing line in 2009. But it almost never happened. He said in his TEDx Talk that his dad didn’t want to help him make his business idea a reality. For two years, he tried to sell him on the concept. “He didn’t believe in me as much as I believed in myself,” he said in his talk. “Just because we’re so young, and I know we don’t run things around here, but, hey, we still have big dreams as well as you guys do.”Related: This 5-Year-Old Photographer With 160,000 Instagram Followers Just Kickstarted His Own BookHis father eventually came around to supporting his entrepreneurial dream, even making the “ultimate sacrifice” and moving his family out of their house and into an apartment. The brand has taken off ever since. First came the online store, then the brick-and-mortar location, and the sales have kept them both going and growing.Today, Jeremiah also runs his own nonprofit organization to encourage area kids to excel in academics, sports, business and character development. “This way I can gain larger partnerships and donations to help me expand the overall goal of going global with the plan of motivating others everywhere.”Jeremiah’s favorite part of being a kidpreneur: “I like inspiring my own peers and seeing them actually take what I say and put it into action. I also get the chance to be boss, and my parents work for me.”Jeremiah’s advice for aspiring kidpreneurs: “Never let anyone discourage you or try to talk down on you and never give up. Follow your passion and you'll love what you do!”

8. Rachel Zietz, 15ετών. Ιδρύτρια της Gladiator Lacrosse (Twitter: @GladiatorLaX)

Αν δεν μπορείτε να βρείτε το προϊόν που επιθυμείτε τότε δημιουργήστε το. Σε αυτή την αρχή στηρίχτηκε η Rachel Zietz, η οποία ξεκίνησε τη δική της start up αθλητικών ειδών το 2013. Τον πρώτο χρόνο είχε έσοδα 200.000 δολάρια, ενώ το δεύτερο χρόνο ο τραπεζικός της λογαριασμός αυξήθηκε κατά ένα εκατομμύριο δολάρια.

Slide 9 of 11: Rachel ZietzAge: 15Founder: Gladiator LacrosseTwitter: @GladiatorLaXIf you can’t find the product you need, invent it. That’s what Rachel Zietz did. The result: Gladiator Lacrosse, the ambitious Boca Raton, Fla., teen’s premium line of durable lacrosse equipment.“It’s never too young to start,” she tells Entrepreneur. “I started when I was 13, and it was successful. Most people are afraid, but if you’re passionate about it, you’re never too young.”The varsity athlete and high school sophomore honors student launched her sporty startup in 2013, largely out of frustration. Despite searching in stores and online, she was unable to get her hands on lacrosse gear that was sturdy enough to withstand rigorous practice on repeat.Related: How This 14-Year-Old Is Making Adults Question Their Life Choices by Being Ridiculously Awesome“For me, if there's a problem, there's also an opportunity," she told the Sun Sentinel. Rachel’s parents and younger brother are also entrepreneurs, so she scored in business right out of the gate. In her first year, she racked up $200,000 in revenue. A year later, she was on track to bank $1 million in earnings.Look out for the talented Young Entrepreneurs Academy graduate when she faces the “Sharks” on ABC’s Shark Tank, May 13 at 9 p.m. ET. You bet we’ll be watching -- and pulling for her.Rachel’s favorite part of being a kidpreneur:“I believe the best part is that I am able to pursue something that I love [business] and can inspire others that you are never too young to accomplish your dream. Also, it is amazing to run the day-to-day operations of the company and it is great to see the looks on people’s faces when they realize who is running the company!”Rachel’s advice for aspiring kidpreneurs: “My advice to any aspiring young entrepreneurs is to make sure whatever you do, you are passionate about it. Passion is the key to success and it is what drives you to work through obstacles and challenges in your way.”

9. Madison Robinson, 18 ετών. Ιδρύτρια της «FishFlops» (Twitter: @FishFlops)

Μερικές φορές χρειάζεται μόλις ένα λεπτό για να αλλάξει η ζωή σου. Την πρώτη φορά που η Madison παρουσίασε τη συλλογή με τις ιδιαίτερες σαγιονάρες της, 37 διαφορετικά καταστήματα έκαναν παραγγελίες. Η ίδια, που της αρέσει πολύ να περνά χρόνο στην παραλία, είχε την ιδέα του λανσαρίσματος των προϊόντων της σε ηλικία 8 ετών. Την οποία στη συνέχεια με τη βοήθεια του πατέρα της έκανε πράξη.

Slide 10 of 11: Madison RobinsonAge: 18Founder: FishFlopsTwitter: @FishFlopsSometimes all it takes is one moment in time to change your fortune forever. For Madison Robinson, it was one trade show.The first time the young Houston-based inventor exhibited her sea-creature-themed flip-flops at a retail trade show, sales went gangbusters -- 37 different stores placed orders for the funky footwear.Madison, who's always enjoyed kicking back at the beach, came up with the idea for the light-up sandals when she was eight years old after a trip to the shore. Inspired by fond memories of Galveston Island, her seaside birthplace, she drew the original designs for the sandals. Then her father, Dan, helped make them into a reality. Not exactly right away, though.Related: 8 Entrepreneurial Skills You Should Teach Your Kids“After three years of me bugging him, asking him, ‘Daddy, make my FishFlops!’ he finally decided to help me make some prototypes,” Madison told Steve Harvey when she guest-starred on the entertainer’s talk show.To date, millions of pairs of FishFlops have sold, first at Nordstrom and now on several ecommerce sites, such as Amazon and Madison’s own online store. The colorful line now includes sturdy rain boots, plush slippers and canvas boat shoes.Additionally, her footwear is available at several U.S. Association of Zoos and Aquariums zoos in support of the organization’s Saving Animals From Extinction initiative.Madison says she believes in “sharing the blessings” of her success with others less fortunate. To walk the walk, she’s donated more than 20,000 pairs of FishFlops to several charities, including Shoes for Orphan Souls and Texas Children’s Hospital.Madison’s favorite part of being a kidpreneur:"I enjoy encouraging and inspiring others to think about creating their own business. TV interviews are fun and exciting, but having my hair and makeup professionally done before the interview is the best.”Madison’s advice for aspiring kidpreneurs: “You have to take the first step on your own, be patient, persistent and never give up. Write down their idea, share the information with family and friends and get their opinions. Make sure you balance your time and enjoy life while working.”

10. Mercer Henderson, 13 ετών. Ιδρύτρια της «Audiots» (Twitter: @audiotsemojis)

Οι περισσότεροι έφηβοι χρησιμοποιούν emojis όταν στέλνουν μηνύματα. Η Merser «έδωσε» ήχο σε αυτά τα emojis κάνοντας συναρπαστική την εμπειρία χρήσης τους. Έτσι, προέκυψε η εφαρμογή «audiots». Η Mercer στοχεύει σε συνεργασία με την Adidas και την pop star Taylor Swift, ενώ θέλει να ενσωματώσει την εφαρμογή στα e-mails και στο Facebook.

Slide 11 of 11: Mercer HendersonAge: 13Founder: AudiotsTwitter: @audiotsemojisLike most teens, Mercer Henderson uses a flurry of emojis when texting with friends -- but she uses them a tad differently than most people. She adds sounds, turning the expressive visual icons into what she calls “soundmojis.”One day, the tech-savvy San Francisco teen was making her own soundmojis when the entrepreneurial lightbulb went off. “It was something I had fun doing already,” Mercer tells Entrepreneur. “So why not put the two together?” And the seed for her Audiots iOS app was planted.Related: These High-School Students Found a Way to Make Any Headphones WirelessThe app, put forth by Mercer’s new company, 4 Girls Tech LLC, features 50-plus noisy emojis. Among them is a kissy-face emoji that makes smooching sounds, a broken heart emoji that audibly shatters and a poop emoji that, uh...we’ll just stop there, ‘k?To take Audiots from concept to downloadable reality, Mercer got a decent leg-up from her mother, Lisa, a product marketing exec at Salesforce. Her uncle, a LucasArts sound engineer, also pitched in on sound-mixing. Not a bad startup support team, right?Up next for the budding young tech-preneur is adding more soundmojis to the app, as well as the ability for Audiots users to record their own talkative emojis. In the meantime, she’s hoping to partner with big-name brands like Adidas and pop stars like Taylor Swift. She’s also working on integrating the app with email and Facebook. All of this, of course, after her homework is done.Mercer’s favorite part of being a kidpreneur: “The most fun part for me is the emails I get from people telling me they like the app! One girl told me it is the only app she has ever downloaded! I try to email everyone back after I do my homework and stuff. Also, being on TV was fun.”Mercer’s advice for aspiring kidpreneurs:“My advice is if there is something you like to do, think about if other people like it too. Then try to create a more fun or simple way to do it.”

Πηγή: businessnews.gr

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